Portfolio Considering the Speed and Comprehension Trade-Off in Reading Mediated by TypographyProceedings Ethics Education of Human Factors Engineers for Responsible AI DevelopmentProceedings A Study of the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Experience of Back Pain Reported on Twitter® in the United States: A Natural Language Processing ApproachProceedings Considering the Speed and Comprehension Trade-Off in Reading Mediated by TypographyProceedings Microsaccades distinguish looking from seeingJournal Articles Towards Individuated Reading Experiences: Different Fonts Increase Reading Speed for Different IndividualsJournal Articles Virtually There: A Comparison of Conventional Navigational Aids with HUD AlternativesPosters Cognitive Versus Motor Components of Text Messaging Impairment of DrivingPosters The Impact of Load on Dynamic versus Static Situational Knowledge While DrivingProceedings Drive ID: NHTSA ESV Student Design Contest On-Site PresentationPresentations « Older Entries Next Entries »